sim, estou gostando muito! Ainda estou num certo easdto de ansiedade, isso enquanto ne3o vou para comunidade mas este1 dando tudo certo e estou conhecendo pessoas e lugares interessantissimos.@Roberto, indeed, these days in SGC have been very important to meet people and find my way to the community. I got to tell you: this is an incredible place, for the nature but mostly for the people. So friendly and so nice. Ah! Cannibalism is, throughout time, a topic very sensationalized and some scholars actually defend that it simply never existed. Who knows? It was common for the first explorers to exaggerate on their tales and the most sensational, dangerous they were, the better. Few months ago an Australian TV made a documentary ridiculously depicting the Brazilian Suruwaha Indians as horrible savages who killed their children and that also have instigated collective suicide among their children. Ridiculous! Another one, Chagnon’s first tittle about the Yanomami included fierce people’. Few editions after fierce’ was removed because, after wall, they were not that fierce. Culture is invented and reinvented, isn’t’ it? @Andreas, absolutely, I couldn’t agree with you more. And my research also has everything to do with the environment. Although I am not in the field site yet I have been having a very interesting time in SGC because it is like a great satellite for the region. And now I find very important that I know a little bit of the life here in the city because I am assuming that SGC is a very important reference to the youth living in the villages. I will for sure share with you the stories I collect, and about Campbell, I think he would say that by coming here I did follow my bliss Ah, I did not want to keep any secrets from you, but the text was getting too long and, I confess, that is a nice story. Stay tuned @Marina, obrigado minha querida. Eu irei atualizando com novos textos assim que puder.@Iris, for sure. Once I’m in the village I don’t know how often I will be able to access the Internet but I will find a way to send the texts and photos.